
Play jimmy swaggart music on echo prime
Play jimmy swaggart music on echo prime

play jimmy swaggart music on echo prime

He had been let to go by this family because they didn't have enough food toįeed him. "We had a veryĭefinite, different feel - I always did - for black people, for one because we had an old black man living with us named Silas Payne. There was a distinct difference a tradition that a black was supposed to stay in his place". Mother and father, especially my father - had a real affinity for black people and their plight, more so than many people I knew. "I was born with a tradition that blacks were over here (pointing in one direction), and whites over here (pointing in another direction). His legacy is among the most important in popular music. Today, along with Sam Phillips almost messianic ability to bring out the rawest emotion in their art, qualifies the man as probably the first modern, record producer, and possibly the greatest. (In a Goldmine interview, Phillips said that although Jerry Hopkins has quoted him as saying it in his book, he never uttered Telling her, "If I could find a white man who had the Negro sound and the Negro feel, I could make a billion dollars". Secretary Marion Keisker always remembered Phillips Rufus Thomas, the Prisonaires, Junior Parker, Little Milton, Doug Poindexter, and the Johnny Burnette Trio, before recording Elvis Presley's first record, "That's All Right" (SUN 209) in 1954. Among the Sun artists Phillips recorded were Phillips is listed as the composer of Rufus (Hound Dog) Thomas' "Bear Cat" (SUN 181) and the co-writer of the song "Mystery Train" (SUN 192). My Whisky" by Jackie Boy and Little Walter (SUN 174). Phillips' first release was on March 1, 1952, with "Blues In My Condition"/"Sellin' It was located in the same building, 706 Union Avenue, that housed the Memphis Recording Service. In February 1952 Phillips started Sun Records so that he could record both rhythm and blues singers and country and western artists (then known as hillbilly music). Phillips calls it the first rock and roll record), which oddly enough was recorded with a broken amplifier, giving it a fuzz sound. Successful record was Brenston's "Rocket 88" (Chess 1438) (It was the debut of Ike Turner and his band on record. Among the artists he recorded were Jackie Brenston, Rosco Gordon, B.B.

play jimmy swaggart music on echo prime

Phillipsīegan recording rhythm and blues demo records, which he sold to other independent record companies, such as Chess and Modern Records. Later that year Phillips founded the Memphis Recording Service. ("The Hottest Thing In The Country"), with Joe Hill Louis singing "Gotta Let You Go"/"Boogie In The Park" (The Phillips 9001/90020), but the record only sold 350 copies. In 1950 Phillips became a record producer when he cut two songs for his newly founded record label, Phillips Records

play jimmy swaggart music on echo prime

I looked on it as a serious job through the later part of the 1940s, because I had to make enough money to live and raise a family". After I got into radio, I worked hard at becoming an announcer - there were no disc jockey's as such then - but I really wasn't a talented announcer in the strictest terms, although I had to be good just to hold my I could always see the people that did have talent and get it out of them. I played music from the sixth to the eleventh grade in school, but I never was a very good musician. I was not interested in becoming a musician, but back in the 1930s all the music of the country people - black blues, hillbilly, and spirituals - all influenced me, and in radio I saw artistic personĮmotionally. Recalls, "my interest in music resurfaced. Impressed with his performance, Jim Connally, station manager at WLAY in Muscle Shoals, hired him.

play jimmy swaggart music on echo prime

He had first broken into radio in 1940 when he conducted and emceed the band for a college concert. He either attended or took correspondence courses from the Alabama Polytechnical Institute in Auburn, specializing in engineering, including audio engineeringįor radio. Study law, but grim economic reality forced him to forsake it in favour of radio.

Play jimmy swaggart music on echo prime